Collaboration Conversations from ISCon2016


Strategy Arts hosted conversations about successful collaboration at this year’s Independent Sector conference. Graphic recorder Jim Nuttle captured thoughts on ways to transform the spaces between organizations to the space shared.

Specifically, participants reflected on key elements to collaboration through three lenses:

  • leadership,
  • infrastructure, and
  • engagement.

They shared their own experiences and learned from other leaders at the conference about how they make collaboration work. The results of those conversations are included below. You can find a link to the PDF that includes all the images near the bottom of the page.

What makes collaboration work?


What infrastructure is needed for collaboration?

What infrastructure is needed for collaboration?

What’s important about leadership in collaboration?

What's important about leadership in collaboration?

How do you build engagement for collaboration?

How do you build engagement for collaboration?

This chart presents information from our Thursday workshop:

The Space Between



Click here  to download a PDF that contains all the images.

If you would like to learn more about how Strategy Arts supports collaboration, visit our blog series.



